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Metal Gear Solid V Why Are We Still Here UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid V Why Are We Still Here

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Video Game 2015) Poster

  • Kazuhira Miller : Why are nosotros still here? Merely to suffer? Every nighttime, I tin can feel my leg... And my arm... even my fingers... The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It'southward like they're all still there. Y'all feel it, also, don't yous? I'm gonna make them give back our past!

  • Kazuhira Miller : Cypher sent u.s.a. to a hell but we are going fifty-fifty deeper. Take back everything that we have lost.

    Punished Snake : Kaz, I'g already a demon.

  • Kazuhira Miller : We're not burial them at body of water? What then?

    Punished Serpent : We'll brand diamonds from their ashes. Have them into battle with u.s.a..

    Kazuhira Miller : A shining calorie-free, to our brothers in artillery. Even in death.

    Punished Serpent : We are Diamond Dogs.

  • Kazuhira Miller : The world calls for wetwork, and we answered. No greater good. No just cause.

    [from trailer]

  • Kazuhira Miller : You've only got two options. Heaven, or Hell.

    Punished Snake : No, there'south another.

  • Kazuhira Miller : [Over Radio] Just go along with him for now. We're gear up to fight if it comes to that. That's our leverage against him - our deterrent. He doesn't desire a war on his hands.

    Skull Face : [Skull Face talks Snake into following him] Whatsoever the Navajo told you... it'south simply ane possible solution derived by Nix. My will is dissimilar. I've known you since your fourth dimension at Langley. I've long been the other side of your coin. 1964, Soviet territory. Play a trick on's starting time mission. Any mess you made, I was there to clean up. You completed your chore - and admirably. The "information" yous returned was far more enough to fill our pockets. With it, our futures became - more or less - set in stone. And so the major came to me with an idea. "Washington doesn't know how to spend money," he said. "I'd similar to... redirect it". His goal was an organization defended solely - covertly - to supporting America. Nix. You know the rest. To him, it was mourning - the loss of his friend. Or rather, an act of revenge. On the world, but America about of all.

    [Skull Confront, Snake, and 4 XOF soldiers step into a cargo elevator which goes to a lower level]

    Skull Face up : America is a land of liberty. A meeting of immigrants. Instead of but assimilating, its citizens live forth side others. Their roots are varied. Diverse. America's never been made up of just one people. But he tried to forge a single consciousness. For information technology, and from it. The idea that every citizen would use complimentary will to unite backside their country... Unilateralism like that can't be entrusted to any one individual. And so the major sought a organization which used data, words, to control the "hidden".

    [Skull Face up and his XOF soldiers pb Snake out of the lift to their jeep convoy]

    Skull Confront : [Ophidian and Skull Confront climb into the back of a jeep, and are driven out of OKB Zero] To unite America and the entire world. The major idea this was his friend's will. But I think he never understood what she wanted. Earlier he ever walked, or cried - even before he was born - his mother natural language was English. He doesn't know the pain of losing his own linguistic communication. Non nonetheless. He cannot understand her will. I exercise. I was born in a small-scale village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers. Strange soldiers. Torn from my elders, I was made to speak their linguistic communication. With each new postal service, my masters changed, along with the words they made me speak. Words are... peculiar. With each change, I inverse too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong... State of war changed me - and not only my visage. Words can kill. I was invaded past words, burrowing and convenance inside me. A philosopher once said, "It is no nation we inhabit, but a language." "Brand no fault, our native tongue is our true fatherland." My fatherland - my truth was stolen from me. And so was my by. All that's left is the hereafter. And mine is revenge. On those who'd leech off the words of their swain man. This is what I learned from the major. And so it hit me. It was he who should feel my wrath. He and the code he chose equally ground for control. Language codes, information codes - beamed all around us - genetic codes spanning history. Past controlling the codes, Cipher... Cipher intends to unify the world. Codes implanted into our heads, sucking our minds dry as information technology spreads from ane host to the next. A parasite upon the world. That is what Nil is. As i born into this globe, he's afflicted. I hold him responsible for killing my freedom. Killing all traces of my past... Killing any promise of a future... We are all only expressionless men forced to walk upon this earth. A world reduced to Zero. Cypher plans to use its codes to control the globe. They think they can.

    [He pulls out a pocket-size canister]

    Skull Face : And the "mother tongue" of all those codes is English.

    [He opens the canister, revealing ii vials and a space for a third i which is empty]

    Skull Face : The discussion became flesh. The final parasite.

    [Skull Face grabs and holds onto one of these vials and shows it to Snake]

    Skull Face : It knows English. An English strain of the vocal cord parasite.

    [He puts it back in it's canister and closes it before setting it downwards beside him]

    Skull Face up : I will exterminate the English language. With this, I'll rid the globe of infestation. All men volition breathe free over again - reclaim their past, present, and future. This is no indigenous cleanser. It is a "liberator," to free the world from Nil. Allow the earth be. Sans lingua franca, the world will be torn asunder. And and so, information technology shall be free. People will endure, of course - a phantom pain. The world volition need a new mutual tongue. A language of nukes. My Metal Gears shall be the thread past which all countries are bound together, in equality. No words will be needed. Every man volition be forced to recognize his neighbor. People will swallow their pain. They will link lost hands. And the world will go one. This war is peace.

    [the final two verses of "Sins of the Father" are heard on the radio while Snake and Skull Face continue to face each other with no words spoken]

    Skull Face : [Toward the end of the vocal, the jeep arrives at the Serek Power Plant] When the world witnesses Sahelanthropus, the easily of the doomsday clock will roll on, regardless of Zero. Sahelanthropus will have the first giant step into a dauntless new globe. It is the bong with which a world - trodden upon past words - declares its independence.

  • Kazuhira Miller : Unless we finish him, he'll go down in history a acquisition victor. We can't let that happen!

  • Kazuhira Miller : [Post-Credits Conversation] What was information technology all for...? If the Boss has some plan, what is it?

    Ocelot : The existent Big Boss is working separately from us, to create his new nation.

    Kazuhira Miller : New nation...?

    Ocelot : A military nation above and apart from all - the true "Outer Heaven." Something created to maintain globe balance. Contained of the struggles for supremacy, for personal profit, the cycles of revenge between countries. Information technology'll be an army all right, only more. Large Boss is edifice a nation. Simply... until it's complete, we support the other Big Boss. The phantom carries on his legend... his meme. That, is Big Boss'south plan.

    Kazuhira Miller : So that's the style it is...

    Kazuhira Miller : Nine years ago, I idea everything had been taken from me. But at present, I really have lost it all. The Boss, and the future we were edifice together.

    Ocelot : Ane solar day, the age of Big Dominate'south sons volition get in. They'll likely want to settle the score with him. We have to shape that age. We'll each accept roles to play. Building the foundation for a revolution led by both Large Bosses - the true ane, and the phantom.

    Kazuhira Miller : No... Large Boss can go to hell. I'll make the phantom and his sons stronger, to send him there. For that... I'll keep playing my office.

    Ocelot : Huh. Yous know... sooner or later there will exist only one Boss. In that location'south only room for one Boss. His sons are blighted to face each other anytime too. If the twenty-four hour period ever comes that you go back to Cipher, I'll help the other son. And and then you and I will be enemies, too. One of united states will have to kill the other.

    Kazuhira Miller : Fine by me. I'll be ready for the new historic period. Until then, we'd better become used to coexisting.

    [Kaz is heard walking away, then a bulkhead door is heard endmost shut, presumably behind him]

  • Ocelot : Ix years ago, this human being acted as accomplice to the attack on Female parent Base. He so provided support to Skull Face. Conspiring with Eli, he repaired Sahelanthropus in hush-hush. His "inquiry materials" caused the leak at the quarantine facility. Which in plow caused the Wolbachia mutation, letting the parasites off their chains. Nosotros lost a lot of adept men. He likewise stands accused of murdering one of his own family, hiding the trunk.

    Huey Emmerich : I haven't killed anyone. The rest is all wrong, too. The inspection was supposed to help everyone! I sacrificed myself for my companions merely as much as any of you... Why won't y'all believe me?

    Kazuhira Miller : The prosecution calls a witness.

    [Summons The Boss AI]

    Kazuhira Miller : Strangelove's gravestone. Haunted by her phantom.

    Huey Emmerich : It'southward just a auto...

    Strangelove : [the Boss AI blinks and plays the recording of Huey locking away Strangelove within The Dominate AI] Open up this thing! Huey! Damn it Huey! Open information technology at present! Delight... Let me out... Kill me...

    Kazuhira Miller : It recorded it all...

    [Throws the photos on Huey]

    Kazuhira Miller : Everything... Everything you did living together.

    Huey Emmerich : How could a auto...?

    Kazuhira Miller : Yous forced your own son into the cockpit of a Metal Gear. A test discipline.

    Huey Emmerich : Hal...

    Kazuhira Miller : His female parent had to hide him abroad... And for that y'all locked her in that bury.

    Huey Emmerich : No! She... She did it herself! It was suicide!... And even if I did, what right practise you take?

    Kazuhira Miller : There's more. We have you to tell u.s. everything you've done - everything you lot've thought - all this time. 9 years ago. Y'all agreed to the inspection in return for Cipher's guarantee that yous'd exist spared.

    Huey Emmerich : I thought it was real!

    Kazuhira Miller : We've reviewed into everything else that'southward happened since y'all arrived here.

    Huey Emmerich : Please...

    Kazuhira Miller : Guilty. All counts.

    [Smashes his cane on the ground and the angered crowd keeps shouting to kill Huey earlier Ocelot shuts them with a gunfire]

    Kazuhira Miller : We exist outside the law. What should we do, Boss? Merely requite the order... We'll handle the residual.

    Punished Snake : [Walks to Huey] Prepare a life raft. Big plenty for i. Food and water, too.

    Kazuhira Miller : Boss...?

    Punished Snake : He's leaving.

    Kazuhira Miller : You... He's responsible for... for all of this. Recall of all the men... He didn't lose a damned thing. This is the enemy, and he'southward here - on his knees...!

    Punished Snake : Kaz. Yous are correct, he'southward non one of usa... But we are not responsible to estimate an enemy. He leaves Mother Base and that'll be the end of it.

    Huey Emmerich : [One of Diamond Dogs staffs puts a box containing food and water on a raft, well-nigh to touch a part on Huey's exo-leg before Huey backs him off] Get dorsum! Don't impact me! I'thousand innocent! You're the murderers!

    [points at Snake before the raft slowly descends to the sea]

    Huey Emmerich : Ophidian, you should be in this boat! At that place'd take been no inspection if it weren't for your precious nuke! I risked my life trying to save you all! How can you practice this? Am I the only sane one here? I... My... It's not my fault.

    [as the water flows to the raft, Huey throws both his exo-legs]

    Ocelot : Look... You tin't discard your phantoms forever, Doctor.

    Kazuhira Miller : Son of a bitch'll make it, you lot know. I can meet information technology now. In no time he'll be telling tales about the blackness-hearted Diamond Dogs. The shining white knight. Blabbering on virtually our injustice, hiding behind his fool's idea of morality... And all the other fools will stand around, nodding with every word he says.

    Ocelot : No. One day he'll run into through the lies he's built up. Realize what kind of man he actually is. What goes effectually comes around. Yous tin't run from yourself forever.

  • Kazuhira Miller : Boss, go out of there!

  • Kazuhira Miller : [while getting rescued by Snake] You wait well. Age hasn't slowed you down one bit.


    Metal Gear Solid V Why Are We Still Here UPDATED

    Posted by: maryfivinte.blogspot.com

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